Everyone's been on me to get posting again. ("Everyone" means Matt and my mom.) I wasn't aware that people were still checking even. I kept saying I'd update, but I never did remember to when it counted. Now that I've decided to get current, though, there are a lot of stories I need to cover.
-The most recent development is that our laptop has been fixed. Dad made it work again after a several-month hiatus, and it only took him about a day, so I'm mystified as to why he didn't do it sooner. Now we have a laptop again and, somehow--I still don't fully understand this--I got all my data back from before it crashed and burned. I plan to start designing my typefaces within the week.
-Other developments include our cat getting pregnant and winter getting on with what it does. In fact, winter has been spectacular this year, but it's getting close to its end. I wish it'd hang around a little longer. And actually I tink it's supposed to snow an inch or two tomorrow night. Maybe even a snow day?
-But here's the idea I've been harboring for a long time and I've wantde to write about except I kept forgetting:
-What is it about people that compels them to comment to me as I ride my bike past them? At least once a day I ride past some moron. As they disappear behind me, I always get one of two comments:
:"Can I get a ride?"
:"Yo, gimme that bike, foo!"
The person always thinks it's the height of hilarity to say this. They probably feel like they're very original, and saying that to me is their greatest accomplishment of the day. I doubt any of those idiots are reading this, but if they are: get some new material! Make me laugh! Or better yet, just keep your dumb mouth shut!
-There's another thing about me and my bike that's infecting even the smart people at my school. I ride my bike to school every single morning, and everyone in the area at that time is sure to see me because I'm very conspicuous biking in the middle of the actual street, but still when people see me they feel the need to notify me, "I saw you biking to school the other day." Matt has told me this and Rosie has told me this, along with half the rest of the school population. I'm not sure why. I'd appreciate feedback on this dilemma.
-I have read your comments and I have, in standard practice, promptly forgotten them. I remember BJ actually came on and said something to me--BJ is the captain of the academic team at my school, in case you don't know that, which is doubtful because everyone who reads this is in academic team pretty much--and Oh yeah! it was about that petition to keep Warder Park from being converted to a regular park. He wanted to know how that was going. Well, BJ, it's not going so great, because Dr. Tracy doesn't want to let me post my petitions on the school bulletin boards. He says that if I posted those, which support a political agenda, he'd have to let every nut with a political agenda post stuff on the boards. He doesn't want to have someone post a KKK thing there. He neglects to notice that he has never said a word about the Gay-Straight Alliance posters conspicuously plastered all over the school in vibrant pink. Quite a political agenda there, but he hasn't had those torn down yet. I'm going to have a talk with him about that.
-Other comments have gone into the void of my subconscious, but just ask me at school and I'll tell you about what you want to know.
-In closing I really hate TV. In my house that's all anyone seems to do. If there's no other way to spend time, like doing something productive, that they can think of they just switch on the TV. 95 percent of the time there's nothing good on. But they still watch it anyhow, like zombies. I can't stand it a lot of the time, though occasionally there are good shows (viz. The Simpsons, AFV, Stargate). It gets in the way of thinking. This goes doubly for video games. My brother plays video games continually. It's like he's dead in his chair. I don't understand why people go for artificial life. I prefer to actually live.