As it turned out, I am able to post today. Only, there's not much to post. I can't believe summer's not even a week from being over and I have to spend two more of my precious six days doing band stuff. Technically, I'm not doing band stuff for the whole day, but it's strategically placed from six to nine in order to ruin any plans I might've been able to make.
-Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you: I'm in band.
-I have acquired a fan base, it seems. I have Mike Mintz, whom I e-mailed just yesterday for the first time, my mom's friend Virgi, who wishes only to be known as "vir", and probably several other people who haven't posted yet. For example I also publicized this to my friends Aaron and Matt and my stepcousin Leah. They should be coming as soon as they next check their e-mails. Matt already has, but I guess he's the quiet type--didn't post anything.
-Well, I got to kick my brother's friend Brian off the property today. It was fun. If anybody knows Brian Floyd and wishes to insult him, this is the place to do it. The official anti-Brian headquarters. But in true Brian spirit, after I kicked him off he never really went away, but just lurked around outside the house and across the street. He didn't actually go home for hours. My brother and Brianless have some kind of symbiotic relationship, where they have to meet at least once a day and exchange nutrients, by way of tapes with farts recorded on them. I'm serious. They actually record their farts and listen to them, at full volume. Once, Micah recorded some off of an unnamed Internet site and he had to make sure Brian wouldn't know, so he wouldn't say he was cheating. I can't think of any way to describe "idiots" better than them.
-I biked on up to band practice at the high school. We had a kind of an "off" day. One of the main reasons was that maybe eighty percent of us were actually there. One guy in my section was there but couldn't march because of a sprained ankle. So we didn't do too well. Oh well, I guess.
-When I got back, I watched a little bit of Stargate on the SciFi channel--it's my dad's favorite show--and then Mom came home with Micah from swimming at the YMCA. Promptly our neighbor, Mr. Boyd, walked up to our door and probably didn't even bother knocking before he came in. Mr. Boyd is 61 years old, has completely white hair, and weighs about three hundred pounds. Lately the controversy has been that he found a hole in one of his screens and his wife blamed Micah. She says he wantonly threw a rock at it, in her full view. Now, Micah's pretty brain dead, but he wouldn't do something as moronic as that. It's much more likely that it was a ricochet from one of our slingshots. But Mr. Boyd wouldn't hear it. At first he was fairly calm, but he gradually crescendoed into a towering rage, yelling at everyone who tried to say any kind of word to him at all. He brought out past occurences that Micah definitely had nothing to do with, like Mrs. Boyd's "gazing balls". Mrs. Boyd rabidly claims that Micah stole some kind of big purple glass ball from her garden and smashed it to smithereens somewhere. She won't see the logical solution, i.e. that the ball was stolen by some other idiot kid, or just rolled away maybe.
-Likewise with the screen. Mr. Boyd backs her wholeheartedly, to the point that when I tried to make him realize he was acting like a twit, he yelled that "I DON'T HAVE TO LISTEN TO YOUR SMART MOUTH! I AM A 61-YEAR-OLD MAN!" I pointed out that he was in our house, but he couldn't hear it over the sound of his own yelling. He then seriously threatened that he would take Micah to juvenile court over this. Micah put forth that he would gladly go and prove Mr. Boyd to be the idiot he was (and even calls himself), but Dad yelled that our position in the matter was completely untenable and we would lose so fast we couldn't even say hi to the judge first. Micah has a previous record. When he was six he kicked a bunch of holes in the walls of a condominium being built near our house with his friend Joey. The builders had him tried and convicted, but he did cleanup work so well on the first few days that they let him go free. He still has that hanging over his head, though.
-At about this time I went outside. Though eventually I did come back to the house and listen to things through the storm door, nothing else of real import was said. Once things had cooled down a bit, I came back inside and listened to Micah's Weird Al Yankoviĉ CD and read some Calvin and Hobbes and then decided I'd better make sure everyone out there in Internetland knew I was still alive. Now you know.
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