I suppose I just decided to leave my 'blog alone. This upset a lot of people. I needed a month's vacation, I suppose. Well, now I'm back. I think I'll keep with it. Probably.
-I've been to all sorts of places. Like, West Virginia, and West Fork Dam. The thing is, if I tried to write down everything I've done since last time I posted, I'd have at least five pages, and I don't have the patience to write all that down. So I think I'll just talk about the trip to West Fork. In fact, I'm going to copy it down straight out of my journal. Let me go get it.
"I toook off after oiling my bike with motor oil (that didn't really work). While riding there I considered turning back after my front derailleur broke into pieces, but I decided I could get away with it. The bike was a little bit louder, but it got me through the confusing jumble of streets that took me to the service lane for the dam. The service lane was kind of poorly paved and had broad lawns surrounding it that looked as though they'd been imported from a factory. A sign by a gate warned me that only service vehicles were allowed past it, but I wasn't about to let that stop me.
-The tower stuck up from the water's edge at the bottom of a steep, grass-covered slope that came down for a hundred feet below the street I was on. It was made of concrete and there was a bridge leading across the gap to it. It was so awesome. You could see so much of the lake. There was an island standing alone in the middle of it. There was a huge forest on the other side. So help me, it reminded me of Crowduck. It was breathtaking to look out over the lake from the top of a hundred-foot slope.
-But it still wasn't quite as cool as the other side. On the other side, the land sloped down just as steeply and fell into a creek instead of a lake. This was the west fork of the Mill Creek. What made it so special was that on the bank of the creek was a huge steep wall of rock. Maybe fifty feet high. Too bad it was fenced in.
-I went to the end of the road I was on and found a fence. I followed it to the left, away from the lake, and found that on the other side was an even bigger wall of rock walling in a creek at the bottom of a hundred-foot sheer drop. It was stilling. I was amazed that there was anything that cool in Cincinnati. I knew Micah would want to see it."
That wasn't my best writing ever, but it was okay, and you get the idea.
I'll keep you posted.
1 comment.
Hi, Matt. He's not usually sick but he was for two days. Micah had strep throat and I'm wondering if that's what it was for Nathanael, too. I don't think so. Just a cold.
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