Well, that title is a little overambitious. But some things did happen since last post. It's just they weren't very memorable.
-One thing that happened was that the entire haul of snow melted. All of it. Every last flake. That's because, after a short burst of manly temperatures somewhere below 20 degrees, we were hit with this wussy stuff that's been at least 50 degrees FOR THE LOW for over a week. During all this, though, we got rainfall after rainfall. It rained every day for over a week. Thus, the Ohio river is violently flooding over, though it was worse a few days ago. Winton Lake also flooded, fairly spectacularly. The entire lower footpath/bank is completely submerged under several feet of water. When I went to take pictures of it today, Dad got his drysuit out of the trunk and went swimming where normally you would walk. He got quite an audience doing this, I might add. But we didn't see the lake at its greatest. A woman there said she was there also last Saturday, and the water was all the way up to THE PAVILION. This is about twenty feet above normal water level, past two very high walls and submerging practically all the parking anywhere. I don't even know if the park was accessible--the main entrance might've been underwater. This has been an impressive amount of water.
-But now it's time for some snow. Unfortunately, this isn't due to happen until approximately Wednesday. But at least we're going to get a nice frigid reprieve from this sissy 60-degree stuff starting on Friday. The highs for Thursday are forecast at 61. The highs for Friday are forecast at 20. Now that's something.
-I said "All sorts of stuff", but I've as yet covered only one sort of stuff--the rain. I guess I could talk to you about midterms. Midterms are not fun, but their absence can be very fun indeed. In my school, if you get an A first and second quarter in a class, and it's a semester class (or two-semester class; don't ask me what the distinction is betweent that and a yearlong class), you're officially immune to the midterm exam. I got out of three classes: accounting (I got to wake up at 1100 on Tuesday(, and English and Woodshop (I don't have to go to school at all tomorrow). I'm so glad I'm smart.
-Another, sadder event is that our laptop died. This is compounded by the fact that my font, which I've spent at least 50 full hours working on, was on it. however, my dad has a friend who has a friend who's working (very slowly) on recovering our data. I wish he'd hurry up. I want my data! Now!
-New years' was fun, but not really fun. Now I just have to remember to put "2005" on everything. I'm doing surprisingly well. I sucked at doing "2004" last year.
Well, here's to colder weather.
1 comment.
Hey Nathanael-
You know that word, floccinaucinihilipilification?
Well it was in this month's issue of the Scientific American. It was in an article about self-esteem and they said, "...a highfalutin word (among the longest in the Oxford English Dictionary) but one that we can't resist using..."
I thought you'd like to know.
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