Yesterday Mom and I went and saw The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Myself, I had already read a very lucid review on it that pretty well condemned it, so I didn't have high hopes. But I resolved to go in with a pessimistic attitude and watch it anyhow. Everyone else figured they'd like it, and it seemed like they got just what they expected. Expectations are powerful in this kind of situation.
-We were expecting the theater to be jam-packed, but when we got in there there were maybe four people scattered through the higher seats. This did not bode well. We scattered our own selves and, after fifteen minutes of previews (really), the movie got to starting.
-It started with a bunch of singing dolphins. That is not a good thing. In fact, I can't think of a much worse way to start it. Singing dolphins? Opera-style?! And from there things proceeded to get only marginally better. Okay, I'll give th movie makers one thing: the special effects were terrific. I enjoyed all the special effects. But, like the astute reviewer noted at Planet Magrathea (though don't hope to get in for quite a while, because the bandwidth limit has been continuously exceeded for the last few days), the movie had one serious flaw: it wasn't funny. The whole point of the books was that they were hilarious. The movie took out all the good jokes, or, as the reviewer (one MJ Simpson) pointed out, in a lot of places actually rewrote them to be less funny. That's why the movie was crap. Simpson (just go read the review) says, "This is one of the least funny comedy movies ever."
-I generally make up my own material, but since Simpson made so many valid points I would've failed to make, I figured I wouldn't try to do it better, because I'd just fail. So I quoted him for most of my own review.
-The bottom line is: don't go see the movie. If you must, wait until you can rent it.
-Other than seeing the movie, the last few days weren't very eventful. I went to Graeter's a few times. If anyone wants to go to Graeter's with me at any time, you've generally got a yes. In fact, I just realized that would make a terrific place for me to meet friends whenever the occasion to do so arises. I love Graeter's.
-Tonight I'm going to turn on my shortwave radio and listen to a broadcast in Esperanto, one emanating from Havana, Cuba. That'll be fun.
-I have a buttload of homework from those two little days I was absent. All that homework'll probably take me all tomorrow to do. So I'm not looking forward too much to tomorrow.
-I made a new buddy icon. IM me and look at it. The joke is that my initials are NDB and that also stands for "Non-Directional Beacon". And "National Discount Brokers", but that's stupid. "Nondirectional" describes me nicely, I think.
- Judas Priest!
If my shirt were made out of doughnuts I could eat my sleeve...e=mc2... (Homer Simpson)
Disappointed about "Hitchhikers". I hope that Star Wars Episode III will live up to it's ancestry (Or would it be decendents, since it's technically a prequel...?).
Ditto with Matt. What, or who, is Judas Priest?
Oh yeah, that last one was BJ.
Amazingly Erin liked the movie. She usually pans any movie that doesn't do justice to the book... curious.
NDB's are being phased out by the
FAA, it will take a long time but they are way outdated as a means for navigation. I guess that gives your non-direction a limited time table....hmmmm.
Judas Priest! Obscure! Holy Moly youngsters! ;-) They were less than obscure in their day, um that would be the 70's. Actually they are still touring. Eek, tell me you know who Ozzy Osborne is, besides the drugged out reality show guy.
Too bad about HHGTHG being such a bomb. I remember (vaugly) the books as being very entertaining.
My grandma (Nathanael, your great-grandma T.) used to swear by saying, "Judas Proost". IS THAT A HOOT!!!
"Judas: biblical betrayer of Christ, Latin form of Gk. Ioudas, from Heb. Yehudha (see Judah). As a name for a malicious traitor, it is attested from 1489. Judas priest as an exclamation in place of "Jesus Christ" is from 1914."
From online entymology site.
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