We had the 0600 departure today, so at 0515 someone, I think Mom, woke me up, and I spent the next half hour or so gathering up every last trace of what I'd brought. We stuck all our suitcases and other crap on the back of one of those pickup trucks and then we climbed on.
-I took a few last pictures as we went. The lake disappeared into the trees. It was over for this year.
-We loaded our stuff off the pickup onto a boat, then took a different boat from that one (except Micah rode with the stuff) to the end of Provincial Road 309. We unloaded the stuff from the boat and into the car and then we drove off, following Grandma and Grandpa in their big van. About a hundred miles down the road we stopped for breakfast at a place that had good food, despite being called "The Lawg Caybun". I don't know why stupidity is all the rage. My breakfast was really good, anyhow.
-Then, long story short: we drove for seventeen hours. Slept some, listened to CDs, but mostly just sat. Seventeen hours. It's the most boring day I've ever had. Well, maybe a few in school. No. I worked a little bit on an idea I have for a font called "Siwash"*, but I had no notebook paper. We got really familiar with the Harry Potter 3 soundtrack. And also a really weird and spooky-sounding CD called libera that Mom has of a little boys' choir. Toward the end I played solitaire with a deck of cards Micah got at the border shop so many hours ago. I'm not sure where we are right now. I was asleep when we got here. All I can tell you is Toom 218, and I'm not even sure if that's right.
*I've since renamed it "Creek", because it turned out "Siwash" is a derogatory term for an Indian.
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