I was at Wendy's the other day, having a spicy chicken sandwich and sitting by the window watching the cars pull into the parking lot. I had been sitting there about fifteen minutes when one car in particular got my attention, because it had two bumper stickers that said "Ted Berry for Judge" and two huge decals saying the same things on both the back doors, and the license plate said "TMB 2". It didn't take much to deduce that the person driving this car was probably Ted Berry himself, whoever that was. He came out of the car, dutifully peeled the two decals off the back doors (they turned out to have been magnetic), put them in the trunk, and came into the restaurant.
-After he ordered he sat at a table that was nowhere near mine. He looked kind of Mexican, and he had a mustache and was wearing a tie. He ate for a while, and one time he got a phone call from what seemed to be his wife. I ate the rest of my meal too. He got up around the same time I did, and we met at the garbage can. "So are you Ted Berry?" I asked.
-"Yeah," he said. "Why?"
-"Oh, I saw your decals and your car."
-"Oh. Yes, I'm Ted Berry," he said and shook my hand. As we walked out the door he asked, "Are you eighteen yet?"
-"No, I'm not voting age," I laughed.
-"Oh," he said, walking to his car. "…You live around here?"
-"Yeah, just down the street."
-"Well … tell your parents to vote for me!" he said eagerly. I smiled at him. Then he opened his trunk and gave me a flyer, which I later discovered had a few typos, and pulled out a Ted Berry for Judge sticker and put it on my sleeve. We said bye and I got on my bike. I realized I didn't know yet whether or not I supported him, or even what party he was from, but I thought it was kind of neat that I had met someone with his own stickers, so I wore it all the way home and then stuck it on my door. I did some research on him and found out that he's the son of Ted Berry, Senior (thus TMB 2), Cincinnati's first black mayor. He's also a Democrat. My family is Republicans, but he seemed like a nice enough guy (if a little desperate—but wouldn't you be?). But then again, I imagine so would his opponent if I met her. It's all moot anyhow, 'cause I'm not voting age.
The rest of this post is unrelated and happened more toward the current time (the Ted Berry thing happened on 23JUL). It has to do with the fact that I've sort of been wasting the last few days of my summer, but now that I've realized that, I'm doing my best to remedy it. Yesterday I sat around inside the house and did almost absolutely nothing. Today I'm going to do stuff. In fact I've already done a little stuff: I went to Wendy's again, and I updated my 'blog. Next I'm going to sit and do some of that "Español III en el verano" stuff that I have to do before school lets back in. I figured it would take me a lot less time than it actually does. For example two days ago I decided I'd do a bunch of it, so I went to Warder and sat in the Ivory Tower (a tall pine) and cracked the books. I figured I'd have about a quarter of the book done by the time I got down, but I only got a lesson and a half done, out of 16 lessons. So I realized it might not have been an entirely bad thing if I had started earlier on in the summer. Now I have to cram, in a way.
-I've also realized and been depressed by the fact that there's not even a month of summer vacation left. By the way, does anyone know when school starts back up? I hate the end of summer. It's like a Sunday night during the school year, except a lot worse.
Comment #1: I would have to know where he stands on issues before I would vote for him. So I'd talk to him.
Comment#2: This is a comment.
Comment#3: This is the third comment.
Comment #4: Comments are funny.
This will all count as one comment though I made4.
School starts back up for you on the 24th, extra early this year. I have been gloating to my brother that not only does Brandeis start after Finneytown (the 1st), but I also finish about a month before you guys do. Plus, I learn more. :)
Now that I'm done being a jerk, my last day in Cincinnati is also the 24th, and I'd like to see you, Matt, and Aaron again before I go. So I was thinking we'd go bowling the week of the 18th. Drop me a line if
it is a yea or a nay.
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