Yesterday, the only breakfast in the house was a box of Grape-Nuts. I had wanted to try Grape-Nuts for a while. That guy on the commercial, and occasionally people I had seen, looked to think it tasted pretty good. So I poured myself half a bowl as a trial. Then I took a bite.
-I figured it would taste like one of two extremes: either like sawdust or like a delicious bowl of fruit. Well, what I discovered is that it doesn't taste like anything whatsoever. That simple: no taste at all. Thus, the texture makes or breaks whether the cereal is tolerable. And the texture, I decided, was like a mouthful of pebbles. So here I was, with a bowl of gravel that I couldn't possibly eat. In the interest of not being wasteful, I drank just the milk from it, and then threw it out. Yes, I know there are starving kids in Africa, but I'm confident they wouldn't have liked them either.
-And that brings us to the starving kids in Africa. Today in history class, Mr Volz told us to get out a sheet of looseleaf and start writing a letter to a person about our age in Tanzania. He gave us a little background on Tanzania: apparently, it's on the east coast of Africa. And judging from the pictures he sent around, it's also very hot, boring, and hot. There does seem to be starvation, too: one picture showed a kid looking a lot like shrink-wrapped bones. I thought, "That really sucks." I wrote a letter answering the four prompts on the board
1) Who am I?
2) What is a typical day like for me?
3) What would I like to see changed in the world by the time I grow up?
4) How can I help make this happen?
I said I had big hair and I'd like to see the environment less dirty, and to that end I never litter, I recycle whenever possible, and I almost always go places by bike. For my typical day, I described a school day, and then said that when I get home I either go to Warder Park, read a book, or work on my font Cyril.
-And that of course brings us to Cyril. I've made all the letters now. That doesn't mean I'm finished--far from it. Now that I've made all the letters, it goes up for critique, to make sure it's the best it possibly can be. Then I make an Italic. After that I make a bold and a bold italic. And of course I'm making all the Russian bells and whistles, which means about seventy characters, even though only 33 or so are used in regular Russian. The rest are for things like ancient texts and Church Slavonic, when they hadn't whittled the alphabet down quite so far yet. I realize that nobody will ever use these, most likely, but I decided that if I'm going to name the font Cyril I should really include the most of the Cyrillic alphabet I can. (Cyrillic is the name for the Russian alphabet, named after a St Cyril who adapted the Greek alphabet to Russian.) In the meantime, if you want to see a bunch of people talking about beziers, x-heights, encoding, boumas, and hinting, and be astounded when I understand almost all of it, tune in to and don't say I didn't warn you.
1 comment.
I heart Grape-nuts. Because I'm old. When I was 16 I would never have even tried that kind of stuff. Only my Mahhhm ate that kind of stuff. I thought no one could be as nauseating in every single personal habit as she was. Oh, how the tides lee la...
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