This week the sophomores had OGT testing, which, entirely by the way, is stupid. None of the teachers are one hundred percent on board with it, and a few, I believe, are rather vehemently opposed to OGTs. These are the Ohio Graduation Tests, instituted after the No Child Left Behind Act. They make it so that teachers teach to a test. That sort of stuff should have been through with after the Proficiency Tests in, what grades were they, 4th, 6th, and 9th? So the compound has had to rearrange its whole curriculum. Now, no child is getting left behind: rather, we're all equally behind. Behind Japan and a host of other smart countries, that is to say. Entirely by the way. So anyhow, because of OGTs, and the way the schedule works, it happened that everyone had to be given a two-hour delay every day. However, we in the band had a contest on Friday, and we had to prepare. So we still had X-Period, which is a bell before the regular schedule starts, and we had it at the same time, 0720. Then, after it, band people had two unused hours until compound started at 1000.
-On Monday we had a bio lab during the two hours, because Dr White was afeared of us getting behind and saw an opportunity to keep us caught up by scheduling a lab in that time.
-On Tuesday I used the time to go home, and Dad took me to Angelo's.
-On Wednesday I went to Panera, which was tasty.
-On Thursday I was going to bike to Winton Woods, but as i was biking to school I couldn't help but realize that there was a driving rain and it was freezing cold and I became soaked for four or more hours. So I didn't bike to Winton Woods. Instead I slept in the Media Center (real schools have a library, but we have a Media Center).
-On Friday, Caitlin Pantano's mom made all the band seniors breakfast for before the contest as a mood improver, and it worked. Few things are better than a really good breakfast.
Those were just the mornings. In the afternoons I was booked with absurd amounts of work. On Thursday I had a Spanish take-home test and the band concert. On Friday we had the contest. We gave a total great performance. But we got a II. I'm not too impressed with OMEA (the organization in charge here). But on the plus side, we're finished with them now, and we're playing whatever the hell we feel like for the rest of the year. So we'll be playing Vesuvius by Frank Ticheli, which I strongly recommend plugging into an audio search such as AltaVista's. It must have been annoying to have to write "Vesuvius" back before there was a difference between U and V. Vesvvivs. "Where? Vest Viv's?" Whatever.
-Saturday was great, though. I got a new bike. It's a Fuji Crosstown 3.0. It has shocks! And fenders! It's straight luxury. It's my birthday present, by the way, although my birthday is this Saturday. I will be 18 years old and no longer a minor but rather a major. My possessions become legally my property! I can withdraw money from my own bank account! I won't have to obey a stoopid 2300 curfew law! How am I to celebrate this new freedom? Well, I'm going to my grandparents' house. I'll probably play some Scrabble. I should try to organize a krokay game this weekend with my friends and then we can go out to a restaurant afterwards! That will be rather more exciting than playing Scrabble with Grandma. No offense, Grandma. And, she's going to take me to Hueston Woods, which is infinitely superior to Winton Woods, where I went today. I was breaking in my new bike. Maybe I'll name it. Maybe not. In any case, it's the best bike I've ever ridden.
-And, no X-Period Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday this week. Right awesome!
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