That's correct, everything goes fast around here. It's because they keep us so busy. By the time you're finished doing the stuff you have to do, there's way less time left than you'd expect for doing other stuff. That wouldn't be such a bad thing, but I tend to spread out all the suff that I have to do, and the time between the stuff just gets filled by browsing the internet. I just realized last night that the internet has become my crutch, my TV. It's my default activity; I do it when I have some free time. But realization is the key. Now that I've realized that, it'll change. The internet is for utilitarian purposes only, except once I've done all my work, and even then I'll put preference on real activities. It's become apparent to me that I don't get out as much as most people seem to. We don't get much time for aimless socializing here, and what little time I get, I've been squandering away in my room.
-What's some other stuff? Well, last week I did a sort of experiment. I'd read about the "Paleo Diet", which is where you eat as a forager would eat, on the theory that humans evolved to be best able to use those sorts of foods. Basically, it decries grains, beans, and potatoes as too recent additions to our diet. That's because these foods require cooking to be edible, and cooking wasn't invented until comparatively recent; also, they couldn't have been very widespread until the Agricultural Revolution, about 10 000 years ago. They're inedible before cooking because of chemicals in them with names like "lectins" and such, which, the advocates say, are still residually bad for you even after they've been cooked. (The Ag Rev is seen in these circles as "The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race", as even so illustrious a persona as Jared Diamond put it.) Anyhow, I decided I'd scientifically try the Paleo Diet out for a week. It's not like I need to lose weight, but I've heard claims that, if you go on it as a regular person, you'll end up more energized than ever before in your life, now that your body is detoxifying and finally getting exactly what it needs: Meat, eggs, vegetables, and fruits, mostly. Our society is built on grain, though, and it took a lot of creativity to stay paleo at the dining hall. I mostly managed, but I believe the experiment was tainted, because one day there were ginger snaps and another day there was angel food cake, and sometimes the only meat was breaded. I also didn't have any way to objectively measure whether I was feeling better, or rather I hadn't come up with one yet. Now, I'm back off paleo, and trying to observe the contrast, but there's sure a lot of static in the data; for example, I think I've now picked some disease up from Jeremy (who is perpetually sick). The experiment, then, was pretty much inconclusive, though I have a vague feeling that I felt a bit better last week.
-Some prospies (that's prospective students) came over last week as well. Jay and Jeremy got them completely trashed. It's becoming pretty evident to me that my roommates aren't just average when it comes to wanting to drink and party; they do it at absolutely every opportunity. Luckily, the triple we share has sectioned-off rooms, so when it gets to a fever pitch of ridiculousness I just close my door and wait for everything to get closer to normal. Thus, until Jeremy told me I didn't know that they had gotten one prospie so drunk that - he? she? - peed on Jeremy. I don't even know how that happens. And I'm glad about that. Despite it all, I'm doing fine, thanks to the trusty door that can separate me from all the idiocy.
-Aside from classes and that, not much really happened to me last week. That's because classes take up so much time and effort. I suppose they're a valid thing to write about, though. In English, we've been reading Emerson, Hawthorne, and Poe, and we're getting into more people of that period. In calculus, we did vectors in 3 dimensions, and now we're getting back to doing derivatives and integrals. In Russian, we're gradually learning how to say less and less simple stuff; we've now learned how to tack endings onto adjectives. What's a tutorial? Well. I guess I'll explain a tutorial. It's a class everyone takes in their first semester here, designed to help you out gaining all the skills you'll need for such a thorough education as you'll get here. It has a topic besides "tutorial"; before coming, we picked our top five choices from a list of thirty or so tutorials. There are ones about climate change, the aesthetics of home, weird music, and Icelandic Sagas. I am in Professor Savarese's tutorial, "Dis Lit: Disability in Literature" - actually the title is a little longer, but I don't remember it. So, we're reading books written by deaf, quadruplegic, blind, or otherwise disabled people. So far we've read just two books, one by a Deaf actor (Bernard Bragg) and one by a quadruplegic woman who is a much better writer than him, because she writes for a living (Nancy Mairs). Also, I suppose, because Bragg's was translated out of sign language, but Mair's has more structure, which is something that wouldn't have been lost in translation. And we're beig taught how to write effectively and read critically. That type of stuff. So, now you know. I'm going to go have lunch.
Easy Nathanael, be careful with this Paleo stuff. Jared Diamond's a smart guy, but his word is not gospel, just like the words of any other famous scientist shouldn't be taken as the complete unvarnished truth. Saying the Agricultural Revolution was the greatest mistake in human history is fine and dandy, but by what yardstick? In terms of sustainability, perhaps. But in terms of human lives and opportunities? There are many more yardsticks that need to be measured than are perhaps in Mr. Diamond's toolbag. You only choose one metric to judge an event, and you risk becoming a fanatic of one sort or another.
"one by a quadruplegic woman who is a much better writer than him"
should be
"one by a quadruplegic woman who is a m uch better writer than he is"
Sorry!!!!! I had to do that liiiiitle edit.
Regarding the paleo diet- I think it's a noble thing that you tried it. There are some valid observations in this guy's writings. But there is also much more. And those Paleos didn't live too long, either.
I would say that the best diet consists of as many unprocessed foods as possible. By that I mean food that you haven't altered by heating or any other chemistry. That is what I learned when your grandpa had that impacted gunk removed. People who hunt and forage NOw rather than living in settlements have 10x as much waste but an almost nonexistent rate of diverticulitis and other lack-of-fiber ailments. Can you live this way only by giving up 100% of wheat/barley/rice/oats/corn? Maybe not entirely. But these people just eat a LOT of raw vegetables and fruits. It's not necessarily Paleo. Many people live that way NOW.
that was me, Mom.
Can you live this way and still eat corn/rice, etc....what I meant was, YES, I think you can eat the grains as long as you don't make it the primary part of your diet.
PS Joni Aerickson Tada is someone worth reading, and her artwork is spectacular, considering she painted them all by holding the paintbrush with her teeth.
Well said, BJ. It's kind of moot at the time anyhow; we've had the Agricultural Revolution, and the effects are pretty inescapable. Even if, say, Jason Godesky is a fanatic, he's acknowledged that he will always be on "the fringe of a fringe", and not able to really make much change in the world, even if he wanted to. I don't actually know much about Jared Diamond, but Godesky did cite that article in that stuff I read, and I thought it was something I could use to accurately sum up the viewpoint of the people who advocate the Paleo diet. In fact, I didn't even read the article until after I posted the blog. I'm trying not to be a fanatic. I think my next post will be interesting in this general vein of discussion.
Mom: "Than" is a preposition. It isn't restricted to having a clause after it; a noun can do okay too. Insisting on "better than he is" is akin to insisting on "It is I" instead of "It's me". It may have been some grammarian's rule at some point, but language evolves, and grammarians often make rules for irrational reasons. (The end-of-sentence preposition rule was created by an odd grammarian in I think the 1600s, who based the rule on Latin, for no good reason, even though people had been putting their prepositions at the end of sentences for centuries. It's never been a rule that needs to be obeyed at all.)
Sorry Ann(mom), you lose. Mince minced words with a Jedi and be prepared to be b*tch slapped again. Ouch!
I think you are doing great Nathanael, welcome to college, the best 5 or 6 years of your life. A creed your roomates are sure to follow. Also a creed a few of your idiot relatives may have followed for awhile.
I like that you are thinking outside of the box. You are young the world is open, take some risks! Try the paleo diet, try the agrarian diet, hell try the breatharian diet! Don't let anybody put your mind in a box.
By the way, have you seen Into the Wild yet? Sean Penn made it into a movie. Eddie Vedder (the guy from the band Pearl Jam) wrote all of the music. It's supposed to be top notch. I can't wait to see it.
Stop it everyone! You're ruining Nathanael! Don't let him think for himself. Be quiet and make sure he stays comfortably inside that finneytown box. I'm scared he might figure out a bunch of stuff and I personally don't want him coming home from college smarter and more open-minded than me. Well, crap, I'm too late on the smarter part, maybe even the open-minded part. Well I guess your progress is unstoppable. I suppose you've already figured out that you can and should objectively challenge all of the things you've been lead to believe and decide for yourself. That's the toughest part of open-mindedness. I'm sure you'll master it too.
I have to say, I’m jealous of your college lifestyle. But not jealous of the schoolwork! Yuk! Oh, and like Dave, Joe and even yo-momma to an extent, we were like your roommates. I would suggest not to ignore the parties, but you can attend and not drink, you might get ridiculed a few times, but eventually your true friends will shine through and they won’t bother you about not boozing it up with them. Oh, and it’s fun to watch otherwise normal people become driveling idiots over just a couple hours. Oh, that’s right, you have plenty experience witnessing that (Crowduck).
Was it George Bernard Shaw who, when someone insisted on his obeying the sentence/preposition ending rule, said "That is something up with which I shall not put"?
And your uncles would have lots of stories to tell about their experiences with alcohol! Grandma
What exactly IS open-minded? I've been asking myself that for a long time. For some people it's a catchall for anything goes. "Open-minded" has this present-day connotation of accepting everything and anything as right, and anyone who actually decides that one thing is right or one thing is wrong is branded as closed-minded. It lives our culture with perpetual questions and blind acceptance of anything, be it subjective OR objective.
Saying "open-minded" without clarifying is just a cop-out for people to AVOID thinking or processing information, filtering, and finding answers. It's an excuse for people to feel good about being lazy and avoid making decisions.
It's all beside the point. Nathanael listens to a lot of stuff and experiments with the viability of ideas, as you see.
And as for "normal people becoming driveling idiots"- I would have to make a correction: "already driveling idiots becoming drivelinger idiots".
I will stand corrected on the grammatical point, BUT I believe Strunk & White would side with me. An object pronoun does NOT sound right.
lives = leaves, sorry
and I think DRIVELINGER is a WORD! :)
And I use emoticons. Sue me.
Hello! I think I made it abundantly clear what I meant by open-minded. "objectively challenge all of the things you've been lead to believe and decide for yourself" I suspect that opening your eyes is a good first step to open-mindedness, but then again, I'm no expert.
Lighten up francis! Or I shall drivel, drivel, drivel......
Sorry Nathanael, I was just trying to lighten up the mood.
Family fued...over.
What if I objectively challenge all I've been led to believe and then I come up with an answer. Then I tell you the answer. You will label me as closed-minded because I stated something without room for another answer or variance of same.
Being open minded, I reject everyone's ideas except mine and I have none. Oops, that may be empty minded. G.Pa
No, I wouldn't, but I would be interested in how you determined your answer. If you use any unfounded and un-provable beliefs in the computation of your answer, I would consider the answer to be a theory. However I would respect your theory, and challenge you to seek for provable facts with repeatable outcomes before professing your theory as fact, or pushing your theory as an answer in which to live by.
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