I'm certainly learning how to budget my time. At least, I won't be having a repeat of this week anytime soon. This week was a result of not starting my work in advance: but, to have made a difference, I would have had to start my work about halfway through the semester. Next time a bunch of due dates converge (which will presumably be at the end of the semester), I'll be ready for them. I'll finish papers weeks ahead of time. Otherwise, I'll have no life, like I did for these two weeks. It's just unbelievable how the tension gets to you when you have about two weeks of solid work and you're constantly trying to turn out something both high in quality and short in time commitment. The second week, this week, was worse, because I had to write two five-page papers. Now I'm done. And it feels so good. Not to mention that we're on fall break now, so I have all the time I want to do whatever I want. Earlier today, I biked to the local Goodwill and bought three ridiculous shirts. Perhaps I'll post pictures. I'll have to take some first if I do. When I'm done writing this, I'm going to have a Maid-Rite and bike to Rock Creek. Can you believe that I haven't had a Maid-Rite since I've been here? The meal plan always has me covered, so I don't have a need to spend money elsewhere. But I'll be at Rock Creek around dinnertime today, so I've got to get food beforehand.
-What's been going on recently? Basically, fifty-seven varieties of work. I also came up with a ride to Cincinnati, such that Grandma and Grandpa don't even need to inconvenience themselves coming down here; the guy's also taking me back afterwards. He's visiting some friends there. So, it looks like I get to be introduced to the two (2) new cats and one (1) new ferret that we have now. So far I've only seen them hazily in a webcam.
-It's the perfect day to go to Rock Creek. I plan to bike there and look around for krokay places until it gets dark. Then, I'll play it by ear, I guess. Tomorrow I'll find out how much ash rods are from the lumberyard, for mallet shafts. I'm collecting information to get together a budget for when I make krokay a club. I may have to wait until next semester to form the club, because the committee in charge of granting funds accidentally ran through practically all their budget in half the semester. They'll have more money next semester.
-The squirrels here are really audacious. There's one that comes right up to my window. Then, when I look at it funny, it just stays there. I put my screen up last night to keep it out. It was climbing all over the screen. I was able to bop it off onto the loggia once. I wonder what it does when I'm not here to keep it out. I haven't noticed my peanut butter fudge disappearing … but, time to put up the other screen.
P.S.: Well, I still haven't had a Maid-Rite. They're closed Sundays.
I am EXTREMELY jealous that you are having a maidrite and I am not. Sometimes, life is just not fair. BooHoo...... G.Pa
Well, as the P.S. said, I didn't get one, so don't feel bad. Though, don't forget you passed up on a trip to Iowa, so it's your own fault.
The bad news: Our two kittens ran away despite our best efforts to pen them.
Other bad news: Bandit (the ex Miss Weasel) stockpiles shoes, watches, cookies, shiny objects, utensils of all sorts, and just about anything else, so be prepared to be robbed. You may be able to locate said items under the stove, behind the washer, in the downstairs shower (along with other "gifts" she leaves in that particular location), and in various corners and hidey holes throughout the house. Be prepared for an "I didn't do it" look before being bitten. Oh, and she also teases Tommy something silly.
I miss the kittens. We made them well and got them clean and happy, and they'd try try try to run out the door. At first we'd let them but neighbors kept bringing them back. Then we said no kittens out, period. So we'd shut the door and they'd try to slip out anyways underfoot, and they finally succeeded. First it was Trixie, and then Lily about a week later. I looked EVERYWHERE for those cats. I mean I went all sorts of places I thought clueless kittens would go. My hunch is the neighbor's akita that bit Micah ON OUR PROPERTY (Micah was trying to pet it) may have eaten them...I don't like akitas...really I don't...nasty dogs. I hope I'm wrong and that someone found those kittens and took them in. Really I do. I wanted my callies! Did I mention I dislike akitas. I DO NOT LIKE AKITAS. Mean and vicious dogs.
We can fix maid-rites when you're here.
Please call and let me know when you are on the way. Call me at work if necessary. Whenever you are about to go. PLEASE. I don't care what time it is. If we don't answer, leave a message. I love you and God bless. -Mom
PS Please also leave me your ride's cell phone #. Tell him not to answer it in the car but to let you answer it....? And if he's tired, to please not drive.
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