I've discovered that this semester is entailing a lot of work, but I don't hate it. My main gripe isn't that it's torturous, but rather that it takes up so much time that I don't get to sleep. I spent three hours yesterday doing my music homework - and that was just my music homework. Altogether, I basically spent the entie day working. (Today, though, the music professor asked ow long it had taken, and everyone said three hours, so he said he'd scale back.) I think it'nn get easier from here. I do really like my schedule; every day but Tuesday, I'm done at lunchtime. I start my CERA work next Wednesday, so I'll let you know how that goes.
-Jay and Jeremy recently got a TV. They use it to play video games. They invite people from all over campus to play with them. This means that, as I try to study in my room, I literally have gunfights blaring right outside my door. I hate you, Jay and Jeremy.
-There's snow here; plenty of it, in fact. I like how in Iowa snow isn't a special treat that you have to hold out for and that you might not get until January. We had snow starting in November, and it hasn't gone away. This last week, we've had snow more days than we haven't. Today a quaint and pretty storm left us with an added inch or so. I've filed the paperwork to get the Grinnell Krokay Front established, and this weekend I plan to hold an exhibition match somewhere around South Campus, to draw interest. I'll have posters up. I've already mostly designed them:
(Click for full size.)
The waterfall is a picture I found online of Dettifoss, Europe's most powerful waterfall, located in Iceland. The krokaying person is me; once again my new camera proves invaluable. Once I work out when we can play this weekend, I'll add that too.
I like it. Is there an age limit. Maybe I will come and play also. Maybe your Profs will play?????? GPa
Love the name. It sounds like a militant leftist croquet liberation posse.
Where's the site where you made all those "CD Covers"? Those were good. Is that on the xkcd?
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