I've been busy, so I've left this blog in the lurch. I'm going to update this, though I probably should be doing homework instead. So, I'm going to write about my roommates.
-Roommate #1 is Jay B. from India. At the beginning of the year, I couldn't stand him. He smoked, in and out of the room, and listened to Kanye West's "Stronger" literally to the exclusion of all other music. More recently, though, I've realized he's actually an okay guy with some annoying habits. He has a modus operandi for music. He finds a song , and listens to it, and no other song. For weeks. Or months. Then he finds a new song. And it starts all over again. He's had about five songs so far this year, none of which I've liked: "Stronger", "Sky's the Limit", some Hindi song, "Do What You Want", and now "Bleeding Love". All of them are terrible. But Jay isn't a bad person. He stopped smoking when I asked him to stop, and now he doesn't smoke in the room anymore.
-On the other hand, I never used to think Jeremy was too bad. We would talk occasionally about stuff. Nothing special. Since winter break, he's gotten really enthusiastic about his girlfriend, who lives in Chicago. Enthusiastic makes it sound cute. It's not cute. He talks on the phone with her for hours, every day. I don't think he's ever said a coherent thought to her. Come to think of it, I don't know if he's ever had a coherent thought. But, they do enjoy talking about sex, and all different kinds of it. Meanwhile, I'm doing homework. The other thing about Jeremy is that his hygiene leaves me baffled. He takes two to three showers a day, and has a vast collection of body oils and rubs and lotions. Yet, he still smells - he smells like his beauty products died and rotted. Worse, his room smells the same way, but stronger. Sometime I'll post a picture of his pillow. It is slicked with grease from a year of going to sleep with skin and hair saturated with oils and creams. Recently, he invited about five black girls into the room for a smoke. (Not of your ordinary cigarettes.) Completely unabashed. When I confronted him, he thought I was being funny. I no longer talk to Jeremy.
-Next year, I'm rooming with Aaron Barker, who like me doesn't drink or smoke. We're rooming in a substance-free dorm. Aaron is nice, unassuming, and a good guy. I foresee few problems. Room draw was just today; we didn't get either of the rooms we really wanted, but we did get a not-too-bad room on the second floor of one of the college's set of new dorms. I won't have the loggia like I did this year, though, unless the people across the hall from us are as dedicated to getting out on it as I planned to be (apparently, it's difficult to open the window), and they invite us. Well, we'll probably be friends with them, so we can encourage them. Friends, that is, with some of them. Because after we put our names down, we looked to see who had taken the two doubles we were looking at.
-One of them is Jeremy.
-Why, why is he living in a sub-free hall? I assume it's because his roommate wanted to, and because it'll be quieter than a regular dorm. You can live in a sub-free hall and drink and smoke, as long as you do it elsewhere. But that doesn't save me from being near Jeremy for another year. At least I'll be in much less close quarters.
File an annonymous complaint with housing. Ask them to investigate. Can't hurt and it might help.
I'm not too worried about it. It gets me out of the dorm more, which is good. Does that mean I can find the good in anything?
I think so. You are a very positively oriented person. Your glass is always 1/2 full and never
1/2 empty. I am warming up my Krokay arms.
G Pa.
N-n-ow T-t-that don't kill me,
can only make me stronger.......
Sorry, couldn't resist that one.
No, it's:
That thatthatthat that don't kill me
Can only make me stronger...
Try listening to the song twelve thousand times. You'll be an expert!
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