So, I took Dad's Mustang up to Iowa. Mom decided to come with me, so I took her too. All in all, it was a pretty uneventful trip. Toward the beginning, I was having slight difficulties, but as the time wore on, I got to be much more reliable at handling the car. All in all, it was pretty boring. I rolled into town around 21:30. My roommate, Aaron, was standing outside the building talking on his cell phone, and he helped us load my stuff from the car into the dorm. It took me until the next day to get most of the stuff in the right place. My room is a lot more organized this room, especially since there's no door separating me from my computer desk. We have a couch this year, which is pretty sweet. Aaron got it from GCCF (Grinnell College Christian Fellowship), because he's going to lead Bible studies on Wednesday nights here, and GCCF graciously provides for places to sit for that sort of thing. When it's not Wednesday night, though, we've got the couch for our own use. It makes a great place to read and study. Mom used it to crash before I took her to Iowa City the next morning for a Greyhound ride home.
-So now I'm here and classes have started. Though, it's a weekend, which is nice. Tomorrow I'll do homework, and then probably bike down to Sugar Creek Preserve to look at it in some detail. I've only been there briefly. From what I remember, it seems like a nice forest, fairly healthy (though it'd be healthier if it weren't just an island, and were somewhere where the native vegetation isn't primarily prairie). I'm going to take my edible plants book there and see if I can get to work figuring out what's edible around here. Sometime soon I'll also be re-applying for this year's CERA work, and I think tonight I'll start organizing the year's first krokay game. (Two people have already asked me when it's going to be!)
-I've been introducing Aaron to some of my more peculiar musical tastes (Stockhausen, Revolution 9, Krzysztof Penderecki) and my less oddball stuff (the Mountain Goats, Eels, Cake). I think this is going to be a good year.
-Other note: I've been reading Endgame by Derrick Jensen. It travels along some of the same lines as Jason Godesky's stuff (actually, Jason frequently cites Endgame), but it's more tenable, more exhaustive, and really gripping despite being nonfiction and not plotted. It's got about 900 pages split into two volumes, and I'm on 320, but I'm actually glad that I'm not even halfway through. It means I can look forward to a lot more really good reading. Oddly, the library only had volume 1, so I may have to wait after I finish this volume, since they're ordering volume 2.
Sounds like your off to a great year. May the force be with you. G.Pa
Could you explain who those musicians are--I don't know your peculiar OR your less oddball ones, but then as an official old lady I am forgiven, I hope. Just wondering-where do you keep your car at school? Is there a special parking lot, as at Miami, or must you park on the street wherever you can find a spot? And do you need to have a special sticker? Just wondering. Glad you are safely there and hard at work again, and enjoy the couch. That's just perfect. Grandma
I'll give you an exemplar song for each band/person.
Stockhausen: "Chor-Spirale".
"Revolution 9" is a song by the Beatles.
Krzysztof Penderecki: "Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima". (Sorry for the anime on this video. It's unrelated to Penderecki - ignore it.)
The Mountain Goats: "No Children".
Eels: "Trouble with Dreams".
Cake: "Comfort Eagle".
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