Okay, so, yeah. I didn't really do much of anything today. I really was going to go to the trumpet sectional, but I was thwarted in that. I had my alarm all set to 9:00 sharp, and it even went off. But it was impossible to tell that it went off, because it seems that during one of my absences (band camp or something) Mom went into my room to sleep away from the power of Dad's snoring and turned the volume all the way down. I didn't hear a thing until I woke up and it was too late. So the most exciting thing I did was to go up to Kroger and buy a couple Lunchables for my trip tomorrow.
-And that's pretty much all. I'll probably post the answers to my Curiosity (I've got to think up a better name for those) in a couple days. Until then, keep commenting, and, uh, stay in school. Or something.
1 comment.
I'm posting anonymously because I dont feel like having a blog account. It's Rosie by the way. Nice blog here. Half of it doesn't make any sense to me, probably because it's in a wierd language. Well anywho... we don't have any classes together (neither do I have any with Matt) so I'll see you on Monday maybe.
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