In my journal last night, I tried to draw a map of Warder Park. In accordance with what I wrote here last night--that it's "kvazaĆa ovalo", or "kind of an oval", I drew it as an oval with one right angle. But when I went to draw in the rest of my general area, nothing fit. So I went online to check on what it really looks like. And what I found is I believe what they have done is mapped out the entire world, in minute detail, and published it for your viewing convenience. I live in Finneytown, a suburb of Cincinnati, and I never even knew some of the things that they displayed there. They know Finneytown better than I do, and I've lived here (regrettably) for twelve years. First I found out what Warder Park really does look like. (I'm not going to describe it here, though, because you can just look at the map of it at TopoZone.) And then I noticed the little wash that comes out of Burke's Pond (that's what the little pond there is called). I followed it down through North Hill to where I realized it's part of the creek I usually creekwalk at. And then I followed it further, further than I've ever creekwalked. Past View Place Drive. Past the Cincinnati City Limits. Into Mill Creek, upstream to the railroad track.
-I love railroad tracks. When I saw the railroad, I realized that this was the event I needed to put a bang at the end of my summer. School starts in four days, only three of which count*, so I've got to savor things while they last. And I plan to use up one of the three that count by taking an all-day hike to the railroad tracks at Mill Creek. This will be incredibly great. I'll take my backpack, pack it full of Gatorades and lunches and stuff, set off down the creek, and not come back for twelve hours. The perfect end to my vacation.
-I'm losing my audience, it seems. Either that, or everyone who reads this is really quiet. Matt, are you there? Virgi? Aaron? Leah? Come on, guys, I need feedback! Let me know: do you want more funny? Or more other? Or what? I'm getting lonely here!
-Today's Curiosity (brought to you by Gooperton Rubber Membranes, Inc.):
Can you think of a word
:with a ch pronounced like a k;
:with a ph pronounced like a p;
:with an sh pronounced like an s;
:with a th pronounced like a t?
-Things to remember:
(1) The required letters don't by any means need to be at the beginning of the word--most of them aren't. (2) There is more than one answer to every single one of them. (3) And these are all English words--just when you thought you had come up with a loophole, huh?
-Answers to be posted when you all get fed up. If you have an answer you want checked, post it under comments. If you don't have the answer and you see someone has left a comment, don't look at the comments. If you do you'll just feel like a cheater. There's no prize, but you do get to pat yourself on the back if you figure it out.
*Tomorrow doesn't count, because I've got band practice.
with a ch pronounced like a k; archive
:with a ph pronounced like a p; haphiness (LOL)
:with an sh pronounced like an s; happinesh
:with a th pronounced like a t? Thomas
Nope. You lose.
Hey I'm still lurking every chance I get :)
My Aunt Ellen left a few answers on my mom's blog. She says they can be chorus, haphazard, mishap, and thyme. Close, but here's the problem: The ph has to be pronunced as a p, not as a p-h. It would have to be pronounced "hapazard". Likewise with the sh: It would have to be a "misap". And I guess it kind of was. But good try!
-Oh, and I think she left it on my Mom's because "This Blog Does Not Allow Anonymous Comments". I'll try and fix that.
Thanks for allowing the anonymous posting. As for the words, dishonor or dishonest gets around the pronunciation barrier, because the h is silent in the root word, but sh is still not a diphthong, if that's a requirement. Speaking of diphthongs, the ph before th is, in my old dictionary, pronounced as f in such words as diphtheria and ophthamology. Is this still the case? I hear so many people pronounce those ph's as p. Also, how do you pronounce the oo's in oophorectomy? The dictionary says one way, but I've heard medical people say "you-for-ectomy" and other variations. (Don't ever have one!)
Aunt E.
Holy cow, you got the sh word! It took me a while to figure that one out when I was thinking up the answers. So now you've got ch, sh, and th; you just need ph. I can't give any hints, but I think I'll be posting the answers in a day or so.
-Dang, I'm sorry. When the heck did you post this dang comment? I've missed it for a long time. Maybe it was when I was disconnected from the Internet.
How about shepherd for the ph?
Guess I posted when you were down. Keep up the good work.
Aunt E.
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