Dag. I've been away too long. If pretty much all of the readership of this 'blog didn't consist of people I see every day at school, some people might actually have been worrying about me up until today.
-Well, here's what's happened recently: band. Band has happened. And it has continued to happen. By tomorrow I will have been at a band function eight times in the last two weeks. Doesn't that seem like a bit much to you? We have practices for two and a half hours on Mondays and Thursdays and we have a game every Friday (except last Friday, but it was rescheduled to the even less convenient Saturday). In addition, there was a contest last Saturday and there will be one the Saturday that is technically today. Games take about four hours; contests, eight. (Really.) Band is eating my life, week by week.
-It wasn't all bad. Last Saturday we had our contest at the Hamilton High School Band-O-Rama (that's really what it's called) and we didn't think we did so well. As it turned out, we got second place in the entire contest. Of course, there were only about six bands at the contest, but we still got second. And we also qualified for State competition. This is a big thing, because our school has never done that before. Never. We're the first chapter of the band to make it this far. State is on November 5th or 9th at either Dayton or Columbus, I think.
-I definitely want to work at Crowduck this summer. I'm writing a letter to proprietor Bill Kolansky sometime either today or tomorrow. I've got to get away from band and Finneytown. Just for the summer next summer.
-You'd think that, what with not having written a post for about a week, I'd have more to write about. Well, the fact is I don't. I just have this one last thing before I go do something else:
-My 6th bell is woodshop. My 7th bell is chemistry. Those two rooms are almost the farthest two rooms from each other in the entire school. I used to have to walk all the way down the long path, into the school, out of the school, down some stairs, and back into a different wing of the school. But the other day I found a far superior alternate route. I just go out the door near the woodshop and walk around the entire school. This path has the added advantage that it overlooks a deep green forest on the side of the grounds. The green is turning to yellow and red and orange recently as fall sets on--it's kind of like fireworks. What I know is that it's so massively better than the other path that even after the semester ends and I start taking health class (which I've heard sucks tremendously), which is very much closer to chemistry, I'm still going to go out of my way to walk the long way. I can't wait to see it in winter.
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