-Hey Splade!
-Shiggity shiggity shwa...
-Guess what idioht?
-What you did today?
-I got a new super eighty-H system.
-You did nahht.
-Swear to God, I got it at Chunky's for two dollareys.
-Oh yeah, lemme see it. ...Wau. Th, that's gouh--
-Yeah, you like that, idihit!
-I do--
-I got it, you don't. Shut up. Got game. Hey guess what?
-It has new game.
-What gam--
-I want to play it! It's called Mairio Twins. They look the same!
-Gouhd gauu... they look so dhe same like dhe same person. I would say to them, "You want ice cream cone?" both of them say yehs. How in thi hehll!?--
-That's --they're twins, bohth of them--
-Hey, let's play it, reahdy?
-All right.
-Do it!
-Khhk gghhg There't goes.
(Group X does three weird songs, which I think are supposed to be the music to the Mario Twins game. They're all very heavy on guys going "Doodoodoodoo duuuu, dooo, doodoot...". All throughout these songs, a Mario is going through the game and defeating all the stuff Marios defeat... mushroom guys, plants, turtles, gravity wells.... And the second song is a "potty break" song. Just after Mario jumps over Bowser in the third song and finds that guy Toad, the dialog starts back up very suddenly.)
-Hey Splade, Splade! Uh oh, you found the princess! Reahhnk: she's in another haus, go away.
-What in the hhehll she's doing? Hey- crapp on this: let's go play Super Mairios Punchoff.
-All right, let's quit this game.
You scare me.
And you're my kid.
Oh, okay. I'll change it.
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